Don't Feel to Work

Bass, Random

Evan Jewett is a songwriter and furniture maker living in New York City. His first album under his own name, 'Don't Feel to Work' was recorded piecemeal during stays in various apartments. The record is a stoic patchwork of songs about bloody roommates, detached people stuck inside, and kids wandering the hills.

‘Don’t Feel to Work’ is the first solo work he has produced since moving to New York City in 2012.

Don't Feel to Work is $7 on

Evan Jewett


Released September 14, 2018

Track List:

  • Never Stuck
  • Dont' Feel to Work
  • Pink Grout
  • The Blizzard
  • Late Bloom
  • Hangin
  • Alone With You
  • Dust Contest
  • Hopi Circle
  • Clocking Out

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